by Fantamstick, Ltd.
🗂️ Education
Version 1.2.4 💾 58 Mb
📅 Updated October 26, 2021
Covers all 160 kanji that you can learn in the second grade of elementary school! !! The production is also powered up from the previous work! Can you overcome the eight seas and find the phantom sages book this time? ??
Features 国語海賊〜2年生の漢字編〜
シリーズ累計400万ダウンロード!解答数20億問を突破!小学校2年生で覚える160の漢字を全てカバー!!演出も前作『国語海賊〜1年生の漢字編〜』からパワーアップ!8つの海を克服し、今度こそ幻の賢者の本を見つける事ができるか!?海賊船に乗って漢字海賊達に挑むシューティングゲーム形式で、「漢字の読み」「漢字を視覚的に覚える」「文章」等の問題をくり返し解いていきます。リズムよく、楽しいビジュアルとともに進んでいくので、勉強が苦手、長続きしない、漢字が苦手な子どもでも、国語ドリルなしで漢字を習得できちゃいます。やはり勉強は楽しくなくちゃ。<シンプルなので記憶しやすい>迫り来る海賊船の帆に書かれている漢字の読みを答えよう。正解すると相手に大砲を打ち込める!三択とシンプルだから記憶に残りやすい、習得しやすいのです。<ビジュアルで記憶>ありそうでない。実際に存在する漢字なのか?それとも間違いなのか?そんな「間違い探し」から、読み書きの暗記だけじゃない、「視覚」の力も使って漢字を正確に覚えよう。<テンポよい反復学習で記憶>ゲーム感覚のテンポよい反復学習により、知らず知らずのうちに国語の授業で学ぶ漢字の読みを習得・復習できます。<失敗を活かそう!>回答を間違えても大丈夫。「失敗は成功のもと!」失敗を無駄にはしません。確認画面で復習できるので、再度チャレンジ!覚えるまでしっかりとフォローします。<成績表で子どものステータスを把握>成績表で子供の正解数・不正解数、合計回答数がわかります。子供の目標や得意不得意もわかっちゃいます。<子どものやる気をしっかり維持>ストーリーに沿った5つのステージを1つ1つクリアし、ステージをクリアするごとに問題の難易度も上がるつくりになっているため、「前に進む楽しさ」で子どもの学習モチベーションをしっかりと維持。さらに、子供たちに大好評!コレクションが楽しいキャラクターカード。ステージをクリアした時、毎日決まった時間にボーナスカードが届きます。たくさん問題を解いてコレクションしてくださいね。<みんなと楽しく学習>3人分の記録がセーブできるから、兄弟姉妹で遊んでも喧嘩になりません!みんなで遊んで、成績表を見せ合って競争するのも楽しみのひとつかも。<直感的に感覚的にプレイ>デザイナーのバックグラウンドを持つ開発者ならではの、そして、スマートデバイスの特性を活かした本格的な立体デザインで、直感的、感覚的に楽しんでいただけるアプリです。さらなる大海原を目指して……!小学校1年生〜6年生の全1026漢字を収録した、シリーズ最新作『国語海賊〜小学漢字の海〜』も好評配信中!A total of 4 million downloads for the series!
Over 2 billion answers!Covers all 160 kanji that you can learn in the second grade of elementary school!
The production is also powered up from the previous work "Kokugo Pirate ~ First Grade Kanji Edition ~"!
Can you overcome the eight seas and find the phantom sages book this time?
??In a shooting game format that challenges kanji pirates on a pirate ship, you will repeatedly solve problems such as "reading kanji", "visually remembering kanji", and "sentences".
Since it progresses with good rhythm and fun visuals, even children who are not good at studying, do not last long, or are not good at kanji can learn kanji without a national language drill.
After all studying must be fun.Answer the reading of the kanji written on the sail of the approaching pirate ship.
If you answer correctly, you can shoot a cannon at your opponent!
Its simple with three choices, so its easy to remember and learn.Not likely.
Is it a kanji that actually exists?
Or is it wrong?
From such "spot the difference", lets learn kanji accurately by using not only memorization of reading and writing but also the power of "vision".You can learn and review the reading of kanji that you learn in a Japanese language class without knowing it through iterative learning with a good tempo like a game.Its okay if you make a mistake in the answer.
"Failure is the source of success!" Dont waste your mistakes.
You can review it on the confirmation screen, so challenge again!
I will follow you until you remember.You can see the number of correct and incorrect answers for your child and the total number of answers in the report card.
You can also understand your childs goals and strengths and weaknesses.Clear each of the five stages along the story, and each time you clear the stage, the difficulty level of the problem will increase, so you can keep your childs learning motivation firmly with "fun to move forward".
..Furthermore, it is very popular with children!
A character card with a fun collection.
When you clear the stage, you will receive a bonus card at a fixed time every day.
Please solve a lot of problems and collect them.You can save records for 3 people, so you wont have a fight even if you play with your brothers and sisters!
It may be one of the pleasures to play with everyone, show each others report cards, and compete.It is an application that you can enjoy intuitively and sensuously with a full-scale three-dimensional design that is unique to developers with a designer background and that makes use of the characteristics of smart devices.Aiming for a further ocean ...!The latest work in the series, "Kokugo Pirate-The Sea of Elementary School Kanji-", which contains all 1026 kanji from the 1st to 6th grades of elementary school, is also being delivered!- 購入ボタンに保護者の方向けの設問を実装しました
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